Please ensure the following criteria's are met:
If you meet all the above credentials, then Schedule a signing with these simple steps:
Email the unsigned document(s) for notarization. or call us at +1 (414) 459 - 1736 to confirm an appointment or use scheduling a signing button to pre-book an appointment.
In accordance with Wisconsin Law, each signer is required to successfully complete an identity verification online. This screening includes taking a selfie and a picture of your identification and answering a few questions. Have a Valid Governement Issued ID Card like Driving License in advance.
Click on the Meeting link emailed to you, at your appointment time and you will be connected to Deborah.
Receive back the Notarized docs back in your email account.
Request an appointment with Deborah for a convenient remote online notarization via live video chat.
© 2024 AMD Notarize, LLC
NONLAWYER DISCLAIMER: DYW Notary Services, LLC is not a law firm. None of our notaries are lawyers and notaries cannot give legal advice.